A to Z of a Woman’s Mind – Theme Reveal for #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge

Photo by Nina Uhlikova on Pexels.com
I have already mentioned in my previous blog post about how I am getting back to active writing after almost a 1-year hiatus this time. I was writing in bits and pieces on and off social media mostly, but those pieces were mostly random chunks of my thoughts. There was no structure or research involved there, as in a 700-word blog post maybe. So, a promise was made at the beginning of the year, and it had to be executed soon. The relentless woman that I am, I just had to get started at the most popular blogging community – Blogchatter.
Blogchatter A2Z 2023
Since I have been a part of this community earlier, I had an idea that they conduct a Blogchatter A2Z challenge in April every year for close to 7 years now. This is a month-long writing challenge in which one will be blogging every day with each day’s post corresponding to a letter of the alphabet, within 26 days in April, with the exception of Sundays. So here I am!

I know! For someone who’s not been consistently writing for more than a year now, deep diving into a writing challenge like this one can end up being a nose-dive. But then, that’s exactly what challenges are meant to be like, right? If not challenging to the extent of making you uncomfortable beneath your skin, is it even a challenge? A very interesting fact is I had tried to attempt this challenge in 2021 but could not complete it because of a number of reasons, the bottom-line being I did not prioritize it well enough. Let’s see if I can pull this off this year!
Until last night, I didn’t even have a plan in mind. For this challenge, people generally keep their 26 posts ready (at least the outline), so that they can strategically post it every day without any hassle. Honestly, even I am someone who would function like that. I like to plan things a bit, in general. But this time, I am going to function differently. I am pushing myself out of my comfort zone. I am thinking of writing a post every night, after work to achieve the target of 26 posts in April. Let’s see if I manage to do it.
Theme Reveal – Blogchatter A2Z 2023
So, I have come up with a random theme last night for the Blogchatter A2Z challenge 2023. I plan to write on the theme – “A to Z of a Woman’s Mind”. There will be stories, personal essays, poems, fiction, non-fiction – all connected with that single thread of womanhood. A woman’s perspective is the highlight of this theme. This will be based on true stories, personal experiences and real-life situations happening around me. So, even if it is fiction, it will be deeply inspired by reality.

A woman, in general, is considered an overthinker. So, I might as well, try to pen down, what a woman really thinks. I am no expert in this subject, but as a woman, I assure my reader that I will present the most honest perspective that I can. Wish me luck!
List of Blog Posts, arranged in an alphabetic order :
Waiting to explore the feminine mind through your posts.