
  • The Rainbow Experience in India

    India, the spectacular subcontinent burrows the most magnificent regions within. We know India as a land of multiple cultures, huge population, spices, and so on but among all these things, our USP is the beautiful spread of colors through landscapes. Just like our popular spices, these colors are roaring, fine-drawn, loopy, mellifluous, toned down, etc. Are you aware of the most colorful places in India? Well, if not, we have created a refreshing list of destinations that are as bright and vivid as a RAINBOW. So pack your bag, grab a buddy, and just set out on a journey to experience something that’s going to leave you wanting way more…

  • © 2020 Santwona Patnaik

    Learn to prioritise LIFE ~ A Personal Memoir from GOA

    I could not have asked for a better sunset or better company, on this trip to Goa! Time froze right here. Undoubtedly, life has a zillion shades. Maybe, this is what is called ‘perfect’. As we grow older, it becomes more and more difficult to coordinate, find common timelines and plan a getaway with friends. But if you earnestly want to make plans work, they will work. Learn to PRIORITISE. No matter how reckless and spontaneous our 20-year old selfs were, the dynamics change at 30. We have more responsibilities, financial constraints and work load which definitely get tougher with time. So, impromptu getaways pave way for well-coordinated plans. Yes,…

  • Goa - The Blind List by Wander Bird

    A fun-filled bachelorette at GOA

     GOA – rightly called the “Holiday Capital” of India!  A group of old friends from different parts of the country, a bachelorette party – dedicated to a very special friend, mellifluous music, the typical beach repertoire, bikes, extraordinary cuisine and a perfect end to the trip within the serene confines of the magnificent churches. This sums up my first experience called “Goa” in a nutshell. Travelling from Mumbai to Goa, we reached the Mudgaon station way past midnight, had piping hot tea to activate our drowsy cells and were all set to experience the extravaganza called “Goa”! Heading towards the Ancora Beach Resort (where we put up for a formality I would…

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