Healing a Bruised Soul ~ A Short Story

“He is that kind of high, which only a deep soul will get stoned to.”
There, he stood right there, all by himself, soaking in the deep blue ocean, the myriad shades of azure skies and the setting sun with its glossy warmth.
As he looked at the ocean, there’s something that fixed his gaze. It was never that alluring before. As he began walking towards the ocean, his mind started racing with thoughts. The brain started diminishing the cacophony of the surroundings and there was nothing else that he could hear. It was just HE and HIS THOUGHTS.
As his feet left the dry land and crossed over the sturdy wet sands, his thoughts were getting calmer. Then, his feet felt the FIRST TOUCH of water. His toes curled back and grabbed the wet sand while the ocean was taking away the land beneath his feet. He regained his stability and continued walking. The more he got surrounded by the waters, the closer he reached to himself. The waves came lashing right at his massive chest and he stood facing all the blues, greens and yellows of his mind. His gaze was fixed at the ETERNITY of the ocean.
His thoughts had all subsided by now and there was a DARK SILENCE within. Now, his ears could only listen to the sound of the gushing waves and nothing else. His INWARD journey within his soul had begun.
That tall, burly, muscular, athletic and powerful body, with broad shoulders and ripped abs, stood with open arms and embraced nature at the GOLDEN HOUR. And that’s exactly when tears started brimming in his eyes and he BROKE DOWN. He cried and cried. His lungs screamed aloud and his eyes shed incessant copious tears. The waves subdued the noise within and the tears merged and became the ocean. The BRUISED SOUL had begun to HEAL.
And there, he stood right there, all by himself, CONNECTING WITH LIFE like never before.
No wonder, a deep soul gets drawn towards the darkness of a bruised soul.
Here’s to the hope that the right souls connect, the bruises heal and the darkness subsides into the brightest light.
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