Isn’t It A Woman’s Day Everyday?

It often makes me wonder what makes a woman the way she is. We have all come across the million-dollar question asking – “What do woman actually want”? And the responses are generally caricature versions of a woman’s personality analysis. Don’t women actually find peace with anything at all? Why do they seem confused, complicated and undecided? What is it that they actually want to express?
On International Women’s Day, here is an ode to womanhood, for a woman, by a woman and from a woman’s heart ~
Don’t just celebrate me today.
Celebrate me everyday. Just the way I selflessly celebrate you, as a daughter, sister, wife, daughter-in-law and a mother.
Don’t take my biased side. Just stand for what is right. That will be enough.
Don’t just praise my achievements. Be the wind beneath my wings. That’s all that I need to fly to greater heights and beyond. More than public admirations, it’s the real deed that I seek for. Because actions have always spoken louder than words, and I want yours to be the loudest galore.
Don’t be a feminazi. Be a proud feminist in the true sense, without any hesitation. Your belief system aligned to mine, is all that matters.
Don’t get fancy gifts for me. I can buy my own diamonds. Make that love count for little things. Because that’s all that we need for a blissful life.
Don’t call me names, when my views are not on the same page as yours. Agree to disagree respectfully and plan your next discourse.
Don’t put me on a pedestal. I am a human being. I can falter too. Accept me, with all my imperfections, just the way I accept you.
And then, there will never be anyone more fiercely in love with you.
With Love,