Take A Vow To Love Yourself This Valentine’s!

Happy Valentine’s Day Folks!
Today, as I logged into social media, my feed was filled with Valentines Day messages, couple pictures, some people giggling and calling this public display of affection unnecessary, some naming them as attention-seekers, some actually seeking for that attention, some celebrating their single status, some celebrating with family and what not!
Amidst these million posts, I came across a post from a woman in her 30s, who gifted a solitaire to herself this Valentine’s! Such a subtle yet powerful message there – Celebrating your own existence in life! She’s celebrating herself today and proclaimed that with elan.
I have strongly believed that self-love is not selfish – it is respecting oneself. We should learn to let go off any guilt, when we love ourselves. And this example just proved my point!
I’m sure more than half of the people celebrating this day, don’t even know the significance of this day. Anyway, it doesn’t even matter. As long as it brings people together and makes them happy (even in their so-called fake PDAs), it’s worth a celebration.
While cruising into the 30s and 40s, these celebrations sometimes become mundane and less important. Well, I think adulting does this to us! But, always remember, even the slightest efforts can add value to your lives. A kind gesture for the one you love or even for yourself, can shape your life to a meaningful one. And why just this one particular day? It can be any day! It’s worth taking a shot.❤️
So, this Valentine’s, let’s take a vow –
- LOVE YOURSELF – Only when you respect yourself, you’ll be genuinely happy. Only when you’re genuinely happy, you can keep others happy around you.
- STOP JUDGING – Let’s just let people be. Their way of love might be different from your way of love. Let’s learn to stop this ‘harmless’ criticism. Negativity is always unnecessary and hampers you more than the recipient.
- CELEBRATE LOVE EVERYDAY – Your day of love can be any day. Keep doing those little things and ensure that love never leaves you.
Wishing you all a beautiful day of love, guys! ❤️
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