Wildflower – Beyond Just Breasts

Photo by Aleksandar Pasaric on Pexels.com
She is beyond just her breasts With a mind and heart of her own, She craves to be heard inside out Forever by a force unknown. She is about her eyes Which speak volumes without having said anything at all, The sparkle in those eyes is inevitable When she watches him watch her fall. She is about her nose Which twitches when she smiles her widest best, That colour of her nose is most red When she contains all her tears in a life’s test. She is about her cheeks Which glow without a blush, It is hardly a matter of seconds before he appears His effect on her seems to be no more hush-hush. She is about her ears With those earlobes so soft, His fingers unscrewing her ear studs Seems like her only source of comfort. She is about her lips Which tremble to spill the words of her heart, The colour of which turns a crimson red When touched by the saliva of her sweetheart. She is about her neck Which yearns for his one-finger touch, The line from her neck across the shoulder Will never forget the kiss of love as such. She is about her hands Which always touch and feel first, The softness and warmth from those hands Somehow always manage to quench his thirst. She is about her arms Which crave only for that one embrace, A hug that melts her little by little And keeps her steady for the world to face. She is about her heart Which beats loud and clear for him, Yet enjoys the joy of loving in silence With closed eyes and tightest hugs verbatim. She is also about her breasts Which make her feel the most feminine on touch, Her long tresses falling over and below her breasts Had always been her lifetime dream of top-notch.
This post is themed around “Wildflower – A to Z of a Woman’s Mind“.
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