Learn to prioritise LIFE ~ A Personal Memoir from GOA

I could not have asked for a better sunset or better company, on this trip to Goa! Time froze right here. Undoubtedly, life has a zillion shades. Maybe, this is what is called ‘perfect’.
As we grow older, it becomes more and more difficult to coordinate, find common timelines and plan a getaway with friends. But if you earnestly want to make plans work, they will work. Learn to PRIORITISE.
No matter how reckless and spontaneous our 20-year old selfs were, the dynamics change at 30. We have more responsibilities, financial constraints and work load which definitely get tougher with time. So, impromptu getaways pave way for well-coordinated plans.
Yes, this time, we faced countless challenges while planning this trip to Goa. Nevertheless, the people at the core of this much-awaited Goa plan, were solid. All we sought for was some good quality time with people who really matter – FRIENDS.❤️We stood our grounds, faced all challenges, set aside inhibitions, pushed all boundaries and made this happen! It’s time you make it happen with your folks too.
“Friends are forever and Goa is until eternity!”
It pains me to see where we are headed to, these days with fake social media posts, fake projection of happiness and friendship, fake memories and what not. It is almost as if, people plan to spend time together so that they can click good pictures for their Instagram handles. Sadly, it has become more about the background location than the company itself. It’s high time the focus shifted to real aspects of life – relationships, friendships, company and time.
Value relationships and invest time in them.
Be true to yourself. So, naturally, there will be no room for a fake life, with a deteriorating mental health.
Nevertheless, I have nothing against people posting about their happy memories online. Real and heartening posts on social media always touch the heart. But don’t pressurise yourself into ‘appearing’ perfect, when you’re actually not. So, catch up with people who matter and visit wherever you like. It doesn’t have to be a fancy place necessarily.
By the way, no matter how many times I visit Goa, my heart keeps longing for more. Call it overrated, touristy or stereotypical, I’ve always managed to find my own private space and created a refreshing new memory each time I visited Goa!
This beautiful place makes you do what not! The energetic child, the wild and carefree teenager and the graceful woman within you — all get unleashed in a single shot. Yes, this time, the first hair braid of my life happened right here.
A bunch of amazing people, great food, voracious appetites, the sand and the breeze in messy hairs, long drives, a travel itinerary plan called ‘no plan’, Goa-kept secrets and a FREE SOUL ~ My 2019 Goa in a nutshell!!! ❤️
Much Love,
Wander Bird
Such a beautiful article shared by you..thanks for this
Thank you for appreciating, Vipul. Means a lot. 🙂