Palur Chronicles : “My valedictory to 4 precious years of a lifetime”

“Contemplating about the past 4 years spent in these lush green locales of Palur Hills, we seem to have attained a very peculiar state – a placid persona ready to forgive and forget. The ambience here has definitely nurtured every individual to become the human being that they are.”
I penned down these above lines way back in the summer. Sitting on the staircase of the topmost floor, probably waiting for someone, gazing away into the greenery around, the unending sky, I was in a different world altogether – a world of my thoughts, my world of contemplation. Just couldn’t muster enough courage to complete what I’d started. Hearts were brimming with emotion and eyes were expressing as never before. Probably, the time was not apt. Everything around was just the same as it always had been. Maybe, our perspective had changed.
There was a time when we detested everything about the place, the ambience, the people and what not. As it is very rightly said human beings are tough to be satisfied, we always had the tendency to complain and blame. We donned the role of perfect scrutinizers, cribbing about even a minor blemish. 11 years back when I look at myself (a personal perspective), I was quite the same as I am now. Had the same attitude towards life, the same never-say-die approach, the same flexibility to adhere to a new environment and the same accessibility for almost everyone. Despite all this, I still feel a difference. A difference, I bet all my fellow mates must have felt.
Fresh out of our teenage, all our hearts were brimming with the zeal for a new experience. Until then, innocence took a toll on almost all of us. Since then we’ve all set on a journey called ‘life’ in the real sense! Got to face the realities of life, which was quite different from the dreamy perfect world that we’d been living in all these years. The real world can get very obnoxious sometimes. We were somehow ‘made’ to realize that. Had different experiences, got to know even a wider variety of people and got a fair brush of every aspect of life, be it dedication, commitment, patience, friendship, love, hatred and what not. Subjected to a variety of grilling sessions, we’d been counting each day in terms of its hours, sometimes even going down to the level of minutes. Such was the ignominy we had been subjected to at some or the other point of time during the span of these 4 wonderful years. It’s just like when we were living those days right down to the core, we never took time out to contemplate what we’d been living. We just let the present be. Gradually and steadily, those days seem to have been building us into the human beings that we’ve become…..
Now, when I sit back and reflect on those yesteryears, my eyes start brimming with emotion…an undefined emotion! Am I overwhelmed with joy harking back the fun days or engulfed in gloom recalling some not-so-pleasant memories? The answer to this question is yet to be ascertained. But one aspect is certain….this ‘undefined emotion’ speaks loud and clear about its intensity and strength. It makes me feel…makes me miss those days. It somehow rekindles that urge to relive those days again.